
Linda L. Brown
Fund Administrator
In 2015, I was elected to the position as the Treasurer of the Suffolk County Association of Municipal Employees. I held that position until December 2022 when I retired from Suffolk County Employment from the Medicaid Chronic Care Eligibility Department as a Social Services Examiner II.
My involvement with the union has helped me throughout my career. As the treasurer of the Union, I attended conferences, conventions and trainings. I was a member and served as treasurer of the Suffolk County Deferred Compensation Board. I facilitated Retirement Seminars for our members and Treasurer Trainings for our officers while at AME. It has been a great learning experience. There were good times, and times of stress but through it all I have met and worked with a variety of wonderful people.
The opportunity to assist with the administration of the Benefit Fund was offered along with the opportunity to assist with the implementation of the new Variable Supplement Benefit Plan was offered in 2022 and I graciously accepted. In January 2023, I became the Assistant Administrator of the Benefit Fund and in May 2023, accepted the position of Administrator of the Variable Supplement Fund which was established in our Collective Bargaining Agreement for the years 2017 -2024.
It is a great honor and I am blessed and grateful to be afforded the opportunity to join the Benefit Fund Team as their Administrator in January 2024. Thank you to all past administrators who were the trail blazers of this fund and lit the path on the roads I am about to travel. Your endless support and your desire to help others is truly reflected in the work that you have done in the past for the Fund.
I am extremely proud of the fact that I was on the union board when the current Collective Bargaining Agreement for the years 2017 -2024 was negotiated and ratified. I was there in 2020 when the contribution money per member was increased for the first time since 2012. This allowed the Benefit Fund to provide additional ancillary benefits as well as update and increase our already existing benefits.
When members started paying for Health Insurance, the Benefit Fund Trustees responded and now reimburses members 15% of the overpayment if health insurance premium is over $1500.00. Prescription co pays increased, the Benefit Fund Trustees responded and increased the reimbursement to $25.00; specialist co-pays increased to $50.00 the Benefit Fund reimburses members $20.00.
Suffolk Works because we do is not just a slogan, it is the truth.
To the Benefit Fund Trustees thank you once again for the opportunity. I look forward to assisting you with the development of new programs for our membership. To my Benefit Fund Staff, thank you for your dedication, assisting me with my transition as well as your support and services you provide for our members. I look forward to the opportunity to work one on one with each of you. To the Benefit Fund Members, I encourage you to take advantage of the ancillary benefits that are afforded to you and I look forward to seeing you in the near future whether at the Benefit Fund or at your worksite.
I will end with yet another trustworthy slogan, if you don’t use it, you lose it. Please take advantage of the benefits that are afforded to you by the Benefit Fund. Utilize them. The Benefit Fund Trustees work very hard to obtain them.

Scott Mirabella
Deputy Administrator
My name is Scott Mirabella and I am the new Administrator of your Benefit Fund. I retired from Suffolk County in January 2019, after 31 years of service at the Medical Examiner’s Office. The Medical Examiner’s Office consists of the Crime Laboratory, Toxicology Laboratory, Medical Records, the Morgue and the Public and Environmental Health Laboratory where I worked. I started at the Public and Environmental Health Laboratory as a Grade 13 Laboratory Technician in 1988. Eventually I received a promotion to Chemist I and started analyzing soils and liquids for heavy metals and other toxic substances.
Later, I accepted an opportunity to join the County’s Haz-Mat team. The team consisted of District Attorney Detective Investigators, Emergency Service Police officers, Public Health Sanitarians and our Scientists from the Health Lab. I went out on over 150 callouts’, which consisted of search war-rants, criminal and accidental discharges and air quality (sick buildings) among other things. After my first time testifying in court as an expert witness, I was promoted to Forensic Scientist I (Hazardous Materials). After many years I went on to lead the Public Health Lab’s portion of the Haz-Mat team as a Forensic Scientist III (Hazardous Materials). I was responsible for maintaining SCBA’s (Self Contained Breathing Apparatus) and other equipment, ordering supplies and scheduling training for team members. Our team responded to many Public Health emergencies and resulted in the prosecution of multiple polluters.
Having had a great career as a Forensic Scientist at the ME’s office. I am very proud of the work my team and I did. They are an amazing group of people and do incredible work.
In December 2018, I was offered the opportunity to administer the Benefit Fund when the former Administrator, and past AME President Cheryl Felice decided to retire. I have known Cheryl for over 20 years and have a great relationship with her. This made the transition that much smoother.
It is no surprise that under Cheryl’s administration the Benefit Fund has been operating at an extraordinary level. I am blessed to be inheriting a great team that does their job extremely well. These are exciting times at the Benefit Fund and I look forward to working with all of you.
The Fund no longer has a Labor- Management Board, the Board now consists of Labor Trustees only. And starting in January 2020, as a result of successful AME contract negotiations, the contribution money per member submitted to the Fund by the County will be increased for the first time since 2012. This will allow the Fund to provide new benefits and enhance existing benefits.
In an effort to connect with members, I will be attending site meetings whenever possible, where I will be explaining benefits, taking voucher requests and answering questions. I hope to be at your worksite soon!