Tax Preparation Reimbursement
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Who is Eligible?
What is the Benefit?
The Fund will pay up to $100, as of 1/1/2022, for the professional preparation of IRS form 1040 for either the member or for a joint return of the member and spouse. Members may use any accountant of their choice.
The Fund’s panel of Certified Public accountants have agreed to accept $100 for the preparation of form 1040, including preparation of the related New York State return.Â
Members are entitled to reimbursement for one tax return preparation each calendar year. Electronic filing fees are not covered.
Obtain a tax return voucher from the Fund office. If you utilize a participating CPA as your tax preparer, submit the voucher directly to them. Otherwise, send the original completed voucher with a paid bill to the Fund office. The bill must be on the preparer’s professional letterhead. Calling or business cards are not acceptable. A copy of page 1 and 2 of your federal return must be filed with the Fund. Photocopies (including faxes) of vouchers are not accepted by the Fund. Financial information contained on the tax return is not required. The Fund encourages removal of such information prior to filing your claim.